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Ride Across Britain – Rider Interviews

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Richard Rutledge (Captain)

Executive Business Director/Co-owner

Location: UK

What inspired you to take this challenge on?
We wanted to do something that was really iconic after the success of Nepal last year. We wanted to take on a challenge that was going to be both enjoyable and testing; something that would help us raise funds for the K2 Foundation.

How have you prepared/are you preparing yourself mentally and physically?
Preparing mentally is easy, I’m just not thinking about it! Preparing physically is much harder. I’m doing an awful lot of cycling but it’s hard to get 100% fit for something like this ahead of time, there is an element of getting fit along the way.

Where are you most looking forward to cycling through, and are there any sections of the route that you think may be more difficult?
I think I’m most looking forward to the flat bits!

Who or what are your biggest motivators to get through it?
The biggest motivator is the Foundation, and the amazing charities that the K2 Foundation supports, because at the end of the day that’s why we’re doing it. In one word, sum up how you’re feeling about the lead up to the big day. Trepidatious…look it up!

How do charitable initiatives like Ride Across Britain benefit our people, our partners, and our clients?
From a cultural perspective, these types of initiatives are what K2 is all about. We want to give our people the opportunity to get involved in lots of different types of events, to have a chance to get stuck in and make a difference.

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Luke Charter

Billing Co-ordinator

Location: UK

What inspired you to take this challenge on?
Speaking to some friends who had already done it spurred me on, I thought to myself, if they can do it, it can’t be that hard!

How have you prepared/are you preparing yourself mentally and physically?
I did my first proper training ride a few months back. That kind of put things into perspective, and gave me an indication of how hard it’s going to be, and that I’d need to train hard!

Where are you most looking forward to cycling through, and are there any sections of the route that you think may be more difficult?
I’ve never actually been to Scotland before, so I’m looking forward to peddling there for my first visit.

Who or what are your biggest motivators to get through it?
My Dad’s been pretty good so far. He’s a big cyclist, so he’s been good at getting me out riding with him.

In one word, sum up how you’re feeling about the lead up to the big day Nervous!
Definitely getting more nervous the closer it gets. There’s a level of anxiety that’s building, but the only thing to do is put the training in and try to enjoy it as much as possible.

How do charitable initiatives like Ride Across Britain benefit our people, our partners, and our clients?
It’s a fantastic team building exercise. It’s all about pulling together and making sure that each one of us makes it up every hill, every if we have to get off our own bike and push our teammates to the top.

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Stuart McCully

Group Billing Team Lead

Location: USA

What inspired you to take this challenge on?
Land’s End to John o’Groats is definitely a bucket list challenge. You don’t get many opportunities to do something like this in your lifetime, and it’s something I’ve always wanted to do.

How have you prepared/are you preparing yourself mentally and physically?
My preparation is yet to begin…..! Houston is not famous for its rolling hills and countryside but I’ll still be heading out on as many rides as possible over the next couple of months to make sure I’m ‘match fit’.

Where are you most looking forward to cycling through, and are there any sections of the route that you think may be more difficult?
I don’t think there’s going to be an easy stage of the route. I’m looking forward to cycling across the Severn Bridge, and also up Cheddar Gorge, it’ll be a steep climb though!

Who or what are your biggest motivators to get through it?
Luke has been my biggest motivator so far, telling me to get on a bike and making sure I have realistic expectations in terms of the challenge level. Also, everyone that has donated so far. In one word, sum up how you’re feeling about the lead up to the big day Apprehensive!

How do charitable initiatives like Ride Across Britain benefit our people, our partners, and our clients?
Charitable initiatives like this are all about giving back, something that’s hugely important to K2.

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